Who we are

About Waamo Group

Waamo Group Ltd.  Is a privately held, social enterprise based in Kenya that believes in the principal of triple bottom line. We do business in an ethical manner that considers the needs of the planet, people, and profit for the company.

We are focused on agribusiness as a general and horticulture in particular. We help small scale farmers sell their produce at fair prices to the global markets by contracting with these mainly women farmers and training them to grow high quality produce that meets international standards for health and safety and act as their getaway to the global consumer, who wants to eat healthy foods that are grown in a sustainable manner and traded in ethical and fair ways.

We grow and export horticultural products like fruits and vegetables and export them to international markets.

Our Vision

To be the gateway for African farmers to the global market.

Our mission

To enable small scale farmers in Africa to adapt to the changing climate so that they can feed their families, countries, and the world in a sustainable manner.

Our values

  • Quality, equality and ethics.
  • Passion.
  • Integrity

Company Purpose Statement

We trade in agricultural products that ensure the farmers get value, the company receives, processes, quality produce and sells theproduce at reasonable price, ultimately, the end user leads a productive and healthy life changing climate so that they can feed their families, countries, and the world in a sustainable manner.

Company Strategy

Our shared value strategy is the set of choices that we shall take to position our selves as the market leaders in agribusiness and value addition of agricultural products.

Our Goal

Our goal is to ensure that customers get healthy and quality foods grown using good agricultural practices at reasonable and competitive prices.

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